Lecture: The Francophone Ranchers of BC’s Interior Plateau, 1860s-70s
April 15 @ 4:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Event type: In-person
Time and Date: 4:30 pm en francais; and 7:00 pm in English. Both on Tuesday, April 15th (doors open 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm lecture)
Location: Rotary Gallery of the Courtenay and District Museum
Speaker: Historian Maurice Guibord
Tickets: free admission thanks to a Heritage Canada grant to the SHFCB. Please call to reserve a space as seating is limited. 250-334-0686 ext. 2
Join Maurice Guibord for a lively presentation on this noteworthy aspect of early BC history. Attendees will also hear how the Indigenous descendants of these ranching families found their respective places during their historical journeys.
Maurice is the Executive Director of the Société Historique Francophone de la Columbie-Britannique and an award-winning contributor of francophone history and heritage in BC.