Guest Artist: Charlie Farrero at the Potter’s Place Gallery
Potters Place Gallery 180B 5th Street, CourtenayCERAMIC WALL SCULPTURES We are very excited to welcome Charlie as our guest artist for the month of March. He has long been involved in the Canadian Arts Community and his work has been exhibited across Canada. His work can be found in several public collections including the Saskatchewan Arts Board, MacKenzie Art Gallery (Regina) […]
Artful the Gallery 526 Cumberland Rd,, sea, garden, urban, rural... Four Comox Valley artists bring the world to the gallery. Alora Griffin, Channing Holland, Trisha Milne and Roger Vermeulen interpret their visions of the environment with water and colour. Both framed and unframed works will be for sale. Join us for the Artist Reception Saturday, Feb 22nd, 7-9pm Gallery Hours […]
Exhibit: Broken Promises
the Courtenay and District Museum 207 4th St, Courtenay, BC, COURTENAYThe Courtenay and District Museum is pleased to present the travelling exhibition Broken Promises from the Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre. Grounded in research from Landscapes of Injustice – a 7 year multi-disciplinary, multi-institutional, community engaged project, this exhibit explores the dispossession of Japanese Canadians in the 1940s. It illuminates the loss of home […]
Artful : The Poets
Artful the Gallery 526 Cumberland Rd, CourtenayFeature Poet Cynthia Woodman starts off the evening with her reading, followed by our Open Mic hosted by Diana Kolpak. Sign up at the door for your 5min spot! For more info about Cynthia visit the events page on our website.