Dinosaurs of BC, a travelling exhibit produced by the Royal BC Museum, is now on display at the Courtenay and District Museum. Dig into prehistoric British Columbia and get up close and personal with “Buster”, the Iron Lizard of the Sustut River, and the other dinosaurs that once roamed the province’s highest peaks, densest forests […]
Join writer, editor and publisher Howard White for an in-person talk based on the recently released “Raincoast Chronicles: Fifth Five” 7pm, Tuesday, November 5th at the Courtenay and District Museum. […]
Courtenay’s Puntledge River elasmosaur, now BC’s provincial fossil emblem, is turning 80,000,036 this November! You’re invited to the party on Saturday, November 16th from 11:00 am - 2:00. While you’re […]