Archives Events

Artful: Poetry Reading and Open Mic

Artful: The POets featuring Ed Varney. Hosted by Dan Kirk, editor and publisher of "The Drift," Poems and Poetry of the Comox Valley (2020). Enjoy a reading by Varney and an open mic night.


Strathcona Symphony Orchestra Presents Family Fun

Florence Filberg Centre 411 Anderton Avenue, Courtenay, BC

What do movie sequels, Babe, The Mighty Ducks or Looney Tunes and Road Runner cartoons have in common? They all feature soundtracks from famous classical pieces such as Verdi’s Anvil […]

$15 – $25

Strathcona Symphony Orchestra Presents Family Fun

Florence Filberg Centre 411 Anderton Avenue, Courtenay, BC

What do movie sequels, Babe, The Mighty Ducks or Looney Tunes and Road Runner cartoons have in common? They all feature soundtracks from famous classical pieces such as Verdi’s Anvil […]

$15 – $25

Lecture: The Best Loved Boat: Princess Maquinna

the Courtenay and District Museum 207 4th St, Courtenay, BC, COURTENAY, BC, Canada

Event type: In-person Time and Date: 7 pm, Tuesday, March 12 (6:30 pm Doors Open) Location: Rotary Gallery of the Courtenay and District Museum Speaker: Ian Kennedy     Tickets: $5 […]

$5 – $6

Skits Happen Improv Show

This ensemble of jokesters came to be as a result of Bill Pozzobon's Improv for Everyone classes. Come out and enjoy the Skits Happen Improv Show perform their first gig! Be prepared for laughter, spontaneity and a whole lot of fun. Doors open at 7. Show starts at 7:30.

by donation

CV/Arts A-School Session 3

A-SCHOOL: SESSION 3: MARCH 15 | 6-8 PM | LOCATION TBDSIGN UPS ARE NOW OPENSession 3: Show + Tell Peer Critique Session After a successful first round, our third A-School session is another "Show and Tell" group critique. This is an opportunity for creatives in our region to network with other artists and if desired, […]


Helena Jung and Carter Johnson Play the Music of Beethoven and Schumann

Come join cellist, Helena Jung, and pianist, Carter Johnson, in a special recital featuring selections from Beethoven and Schumann on Friday, March 15th in Campbell River and Saturday, March 16th in Comox. Helena enjoys pursuing an eclectic repertoire, having performed with many well-known pianists as well as playing cello with the Vancouver Island Symphony since […]
